Retail Rangers

Contracted via SWL Security, our Retail Rangers support Broadmead BID levy payers in dealing with anti-social issues and crime reduction. Working closely with the Police and stores’ own security teams, they are fully committed to making the BID area a safer place to work, shop and socialise.

Andrew joined us in January 2023, initially as temporary cover but taking on the role permanently from 1 March 2023. Andrew knows Broadmead well, having been involved in the early stages of our partnership with SWL and providing support for our previous rangers. Andrew works full time, 40 hours over five days.

From 24 November 2023, Andrew has been joined by a second, part-time, retail support ranger, Kayla, who will work 24 hours over three days. This had enabled us to extend the service to cover seven days a week (as promised in the Broadmead BID 2023-28 Business Plan), with both rangers on duty on one of the busiest days each week.

By 30 November 2023, Andrew had recovered  £32,136 worth of stolen goods, with a further £5,550 recovered by Andrew and Kayla in December, bringing the total for the year to £37,686. This is just one measurement of the great work the rangers do, with many more incidences of shoplifting completely prevented.

You can contact the Retail Rangers via email: or the security radio if you have one in your store.

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